101, Shreenidhi, Opp. Bank of Baroda, 76 Bhau Daji Road, Matunga (C.Rly), Mumbai – 400019.

Tel : 24081499  email: [email protected]



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GSB Medical Trust
Religious Activities
Sports Club
Educational Programs
Background of GSBs
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  The dedicated members of the Mahila Shakha Committee hold a series of programmes through-out the year.  Some of the regular programmes held are as under : 

Ø  The three Haldi Kumkums,  Shravan, Navratri and Sankranti, are occasions wherein the traditional Haldi Kumkum ritual is combined with modern flavours such as Elocution/ Embroidery/ Cooking Comptetions and talks on various topics etc. by eminent personalities.

Ø  The Annual Anand Bazaar is held on 25th December every year. It is a day long event wherein there are games, stalls serving home made goodies and delicious snacks, sale of sarees, dress materials, readymade garments, gift articles, artificial jewellery etc.  Since a few years now, the GSBS Medical Trust is also organizing heavily subsidized medical check-up at the Anand Bazaar and this is proving to be immensely popular.  

Anand Bazar, 2008

GSBS Medical Trust Camp at Anand Bazaar

Ø  The first social dinner was organized by the Sabha on the last day of the Silver Jubilee Celebrations held in 1959. This has been continued by the Mahila Shakha every year as a Republic Day Get-together cum contributory dinner.

A view of the audience at the Diamond Jubilee Republic Day get-together, 1994

         Ladies Sports Day and Mahila Shakha Annual Get-together are held annually.


The Marriage Information Service managed by the Mahila Shakha since several years is a very popular program of the Mahila Shakha. 


Members of the Mahila Shakha are available at the Sabha office on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month to provide information about eligible boys and girls as registered with the Sabha.  Details of  eligible boys/girls can be registered by filling up a Registration Form.


Master List of Eligible Boys is printed in July every year.  The List contains details of all eligible boys and is printed with Boys residing abroad first followed by Professionals and then others.  A Supplementary List is printed in January every year, giving details of new boys to be added and also updates to be made to the Master List.  You can go through the Master List and Supplementary List by visiting the Sabha office Copy is provided at nominal cost to cover cost of photo-copying.


From past few years now, this service has been further extended by holding get-togethers of eligible boys/girls along with their parents/guardians at Sabha’s Kreeda Mandir. The first such get-together was held on 05.12.1993.

Mahila Shakha gives marriage assistance to the needy. Click here for marriage assistance form.

We are proud to announce that our list of eligible boys with details is now online

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