101, Shreenidhi, Opp. Bank of Baroda, 76 Bhau Daji Road, Matunga (C.Rly), Mumbai – 400019.

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Background of GSBs
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Gowd Saraswat Brahman Sabha (GSB), popularly known as GSB Sabha was founded on 26th August, 1934. It is a Non Profit Making Non Government Organization (NGO) working relentlessly since the past 75 years for the welfare of  the society, in general, and the Gowd Saraswat Brahman Community, in particular.  It is a Registered Body under the Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950 since more than 50 years.


The Beginning



Parama Pujya Guru Shrimad Sukriteendra Tirtha Swamiji of Kashi Math under whose guidance, grace and blessings the Sabha was established.

It was in the year 1934 that a few enlightened  members of the GSB Community in the city then known as Bombay, got together at the business premises of Late Shri Bola Krishna Kamath, one among the eminent members of the GSB community of Mumbai, and conceived the idea of forming an association of members of the GSB Community who were at the time migrating to the city in increasing numbers. The outcome of this historic meeting was a decision to form an umbrella organization to bring together members of the GSB community who had settled down in Bombay.  The primary objective of this organization, which was to act as a forum to promote, preserve, and ensure continuity of social, cultural and dharmic traditions, values, and heritage of the Gowd Saraswat Brahman community, resulted in the formation of the GOWD SARASWAT BRAHMAN SABHA on 26th August, 1934, with the divine grace and blessings of Parama Pujya Guru Srimad Sukriteendra Tirtha Swamiji of Shree Kashi Math Samsthan. 


The Founder Members of the Sabha (1934)


The Objects of the GSB Sabha

The objects of the Sabha have been laid down in the preamble of its constitution as under :


 a.    To foster a spirit of brotherhood and co-operation among the members of the Community.

 b.    To provide facilities for social intercourse by holding social gatherings, conversational

        meetings etc.

 c.    To organize social service.

 d.    To convene conferences.

 e.    To do all the acts necessary for the promotion of the intellectual, moral, religious, social, 

        physical, economic and general well-being of members of the community.

 f.     To provide facilities in education, science, literature, fine arts and handicrafts.

 g.     To provide facilities for medical aid.


It is a testimony to the far-sightedness of the stalwarts who drafted the constitution that these objects have stood the test of time and are as relevant today as they were then.

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