101, Shreenidhi, Opp. Bank of Baroda, 76 Bhau Daji Road, Matunga (C.Rly), Mumbai – 400019.

Tel : 24081499  email: [email protected]


About Us
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M.S. Committee
M.S. Activities
Voice of GSB (VoG)
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GSB Medical Trust
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Sports Club
Educational Programs
Background of GSBs
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In the 1950’s, the GSB Sabha used to have a hand-written monthly magazine by the name ‘Saraswati’.  The publication of a quarterly house magazine was started on 5th January,1969 on the occasion of the 35th Foundation Day of the Sabha.  This magazine, which was called ‘Saraswat Vani’ was released on that day by the then Chief Guest, Shri B.S.D. Baliga,  General Manager, Central Railway.  The publication of Saraswat Vani continued till the mid 80’s.  Subsequently, the idea of reviving the publication of a house magazine was thought of at various points of time but was not implemented for various reasons.

It was in the year 2007 that a decision was taken by the Managing Committee of the GSB Sabha to start publishing a Quarterly News Magazine, and an application was accordingly submitted to the Registrar of Newspapers for India (RNI) at New Delhi for approval of name.  We could not get the approval for our first preferred name ‘Saraswat Vani’, but the second preferred name ‘Voice of GSB’ received the approval of RNI.  We have also received the Certificate of Registration from RNI and have become a Registered Newsletter. The inaugural issue of the 'Voice of GSB' was printed for the Quarter, July to September 2007, and right from the first issue of the News Magazine, every issue has received enthusiatic response from the members who avidly await the publication of this magazine. The 'Voice of GSB' is also generously supported by our esteemed well wishers, who book advertisement space in the News Magazine regularly. We have also received the Certificate of Registration from RNI and have become a Registered Newsletter. 

The July to September, 2007 issue was the inaugural issue of Voice of GSB (VoG). With this issue, we enter into the 11th year of publication. We have now delivered Voice of GSB to our members for a decade. It has been an eventful and satisfying journey. Over this period, the newsletter has evolved in several ways. What began as an 8 page inaugural issue is now a 28/32 page newsletter. Early on, we added a cover page which gave an identity to each issue and added colour and vibrancy to the newsletter. Voice of GSB became a platform for members to share their experiences through articles and celebrate the events in their life through announcements. We could see the strong affinity which our members have with their roots in Goa/Karnataka and have been regularly featuring the temples located there. The Kids Zone page is a platform for the budding Picassos of our community to showcase their talent. Members regularly inform us that they have tried out the recipes printed in our Recipe page and look forward to the same. We have covered articles on health and travel regularly.

We have made sincere attempts to become a newsletter which has something for each section of our Community and is looked forward to by our members. Improvement is a continuous process, and at VoG we have made certain changes in the last year to make the newsletter content rich. “News from Other GSB Organizations” details the activities of other GSB organizations working for the common cause of “service to the community”. Whereas “GSB Talents” features young and promising GSB talent, “GSB Legends” pays respectful homage to the great people from our community who continue to inspire us. VoG was initially conceptualized as a mouth-piece of the Sabha, giving out information about its activities and future programmes to our members.With these changes, VoG has evolved from being a mouthpiece of the Sabha to being the Voice of the GSB Community. We also realised that some of our members are unable to attend our programmes and therefore through the newsletter we not only bring to you the details of them but also the initiatives and various activities that Sabha does in every Quarter. This is an excellent medium to build relationship with our Member database. There are several people to thank for the reaching of this important milestone. We have loved bringing out each of the 40 issues of VoG over the last decade.
We enter the next decade with greater enthusiasm and resolve to keep delivering to our members a newsletter which surpasses their expectations. We would also like to cover events and programmes taking place in various GSB Organisations all over the world. To create a feeling of brotherhood, and for that we reach out to each one of you. Let us together make this a Voice heard. On the completion of a decade of VoG, we have gone in for a revamp of the cover page design. We believe the new cover design, which we present for the first time in this issue, is simple but elegant and carries a greater impact. We do look forward to your feedback and suggestions for your very own newsletter, Voice of GSB. Please e-mail them to us at [email protected].

Voice of GSB' is the mouthpiece of the GSB Sabha. It contains information about Sabha activities and future programmes, articles on topics of historical and social significance to the GSB Community, articles and data on various Temples and Maths of significance to the Community, health and fitness etc. The 'Voice of GSB' also has Childrens Section, aptly Titled 'Kids Zone', where creative writings and art works of talented children of our Members are published. Members of the GSB Sabha are encouraged to use the News Magazine as a platform to share their experiences and jot down interesting and amusing anecdotes.  One can contribute articles, poems, book/music reviews, recipes etc. by writing in to [email protected].The Voice of GSB is circulated free of cost to all members of the GSB Sabha, Mumbai.  In order to cover printing and postage costs, advertisements are accepted from well wishers and business houses.  Advertisement rates, as follows, are very nominal and reasonable for a publication like the ‘Voice of GSB’, which has a wide circulation and is widely read.

Front Cover Inside Page

Rs. 5,000.00 

Back Inside and Back Cover Page(Colour) 

Rs. 5,000.00

Full Page (B & W)   

Rs. 2,000.00

Half Page (B & W)

Rs.  1000.00

Quarter Page (B & W)   

Rs.   500.00

Front Cover Inside Page Front Cover Inside Page
Sponsorship for the full issue is also welcome
July to September 2007 October to December 2007 January to March 2008 April to June 2008
July to September 2008 October to December 2008 January to March 2009 April to June 2009
July to September 2009 October to December 2009 January to March 2010 April to June 2010
July to September 2010 October to December 2010 January to March 2011 April to June 2011
July to September 2011 October to December 2011   January to March 2012    April to June2012
July to September 2012 October to December 2012  April to June 2013 July to September 2013
October to December 2013 January to March 2014 April to June 2014 July to September 2014
October to December 2015 July to September 2016 October to December 2016 July to September 2017  From the Archives of 2007-08
October to December 2017        

We welcome your feedback about this website. Kindly write to :[email protected]
Copyright © 2009 Gowd Saraswat Brahman Sabha, Mumbai

No entity, institution or individual may link GSB Sabha's web-site, use the Sabha's logo, or link/use any material from this Website without explicit written permission. Any material must provide full acknowledgement to the source (GSB Sabha, Mumbai) and a link to www.gsbsabhamumbai.org . For additional copies, photocopies, bulk orders, or copyright permissions, please refer requests in writing to the address provided on the Contact Us page.