101, Shreenidhi, Opp. Bank of Baroda, 76 Bhau Daji Road, Matunga (C.Rly), Mumbai – 400019.

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The Sabha organizes self-improvement/educational programmes periodically.  For some years, the Sabha used to conduct Leadership Training Camps for the youth, wherein college students (non-GSBs included) were equipped with skills which would prepare them for their work life ahead.  Eminent personalities from the corporate world were invited to speak at these programmes.  More recently,  the Sabha has held programmes on Time Management, Personality Development, Alternative Careers, RTI Act and conducted a 7 Habits Workshop.  It is our endeavour to conduct at least one such programme every year.


On 28.11.1991, the Sabha had organized a full day seminar for the Restaurant, Catering & Food Industry.  Subsequently, the key-note address by Shri Vittal Kamat was published as a booklet “Success in Catering Industry – Some Practical Hints”.  The other booklets published by the Sabha included ‘Guidelines to Senior Citizens on Happy And Healthy Living’, ‘ABC of Health Care for Laymen’.  H. H. Shrimad Sudhindra Tirtha Swamiji expounded his basic teachings in a series of sessions to Late Shri M. R. Pai, ex-Trustee of the Sabha.  These were printed in a booklet ‘A Happy Life – Guidelines to Householders and Youth’.


Publication of Educational Booklets

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