101, Shreenidhi, Opp. Bank of Baroda, 76 Bhau Daji Road, Matunga (C.Rly), Mumbai – 400019.

Tel : 24081499  email: [email protected]



About Us
Managing Committee
M.S. Committee
M.S. Activities
Voice of GSB (VoG)
Charitable Initiatives
Sabha Programmes
Future Programmes
GSB Medical Trust
Religious Activities
Sports Club
Educational Programs
Background of GSBs
Contact Us



Members of the Gowd Saraswat Brahman Community hailing from Karnataka, Maharastra, Goa and Kerala, who are above 18 years of age, and their families are eligible for membership of the Sabha.  Applications for membership received by the Sabha are considered by the Managing Committee in their monthly meetings and once admitted, the membership is for life.

There are two categories of membership : 

  1. Patron Member - for a one time Fee of Rs.1001.00

  2. Life Member     - for a one time Fee of Rs.501.00

Membership covers the Member’s immediate family.

Members are kept informed about the activities of the Sabha through Circulars, and the Quarterly News Magazine, Voice of GSB.

The GSB Sabha, Mumbai, has 2,660 Members on its Rolls as on 15th August, 2009.

application form for Membership form of the GSB Sabha, Mumbai, which can be downloaded from this website, is to be duly filled in and submitted to the Sabha Office along with Cash/Cheque covering requisite Fee for consideration of the Managing Committee.

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Copyright © 2009 Gowd Saraswat Brahman Sabha, Mumbai

No entity, institution or individual may link GSB Sabha's web-site, use the Sabha's logo, or link/use any material from this Website without explicit written permission. Any material must provide full acknowledgement to the source (GSB Sabha, Mumbai) and a link to www.gsbsabhamumbai.org . For additional copies, photocopies, bulk orders, or copyright permissions, please refer requests in writing to the address provided on the Contact Us page.